Monday, 20 January 2014

Essential Ingredient = Focus

My friend in crime, Luke, keeps going on about chocolate mousse. Making a dish is easier for me if I think of someone as I create it, that way it means more to me and I care for the finished product to be top quality.

As I made the mousse, my electronic scales stopped working which is something like Einstein not having light to figure out the theory of relativity... or like a car with no petrol.

I carried on using experience as a guide for creating this dish for my friend I care about, although the finished product did not display the feelings I have for our friendship. To say the least I was not too happy, but happy enough to satisfy my chocolate craving that Sunday afternoon. 

The life lesson behind this is to focus on one step at a time. 

I know I am capable of creating some nice desserts although lately they have been shocking, but in a good way, when I do show something nice I will be like the "little engine that could". 

After all the ingredients had been folded together, I added some raw cacao powder for some bitterness as it was a bit too much on the sweet side of life. Hence the grainy look in the photo. There is only so much my girl can do to edit the photo to try and make it look delectable.

All in all, this is to be created again with my friend in mind and made with patience plus a working scale so that it comes out looking the way it should.

To be recreated.

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